The journey towards the establishment of my vacation home portfolio is one filled with corruption, miraculous events, and the overcoming of deep trauma. These one of a kind homes have been infused with the blood, sweat, and tears of my spiritual awakening that was the catalyst to me truly recognizing my life's purpose. The hallmark of this recognition was the divorce of my 17 year marriage. This divorce highlighted betrayal not only from my spouse but also from my mother. Betrayal of that nature has a way of invoking deep self evaluation. This was a process where God was truly unveiling who truly supported me which was important way of evolving my level of discernment , resilience, and self reliance. Once I decided to trust God and allow things to unfold as they may knowing that no matter what, I had access to a force that would ensure that I would always be taken care of. I was led by the Divine to alchemize my perceived challenges using my creativity and Divine guidance. In doing so, I gave birth to Jade Jewel, the first of my now 4 vacation rental homes. Im here to testify to the power of our divine purpose. Many of the things that one would expect to have in place in order to start a vacation rental business were stripped from me during this divorce yet I was still able to not only get one up and running but am now on my fourth! Thats how God showed me who's truly in charge!
The Silver Lining: My divorce process took from me all the material possessions, financial and emotional stability that I had relied upon for so long. However , God revealed a more powerful force that could not be manipulated by others and that was the power of my purpose. Standing in my purpose gave me access to ideas that allowed me to break barriers I thought only money could do. It provided me with the revelation that my destiny is more important than betrayal and manipulation, more important than how much money I had in my account, more important than my credit score, more important than the lies , the slander, and public humiliation . God has appointed me to do this great work of creating divinely inspired vacation homes and I take pride in all the details that go into this craft. God speaks to all the guests through every detail I use in setting up the homes. From the books, to the statues, the wall art, the curtains, the music albums, the toys, the appliances, colors, aromas, and spacing, , the names used for the rooms and buildings, the art of the Divine is embedded in each home, inspiring and touching the hearts of all who stay in my vacation homes.